2016 Oroville Service Awards April 15, 2016Photos from the IBEW 1245 Oroville Pin Dinner on Feb 6, 2016. 35 year member John Benzel with rep Todd Wooten , Tom Dalzell and Bob Dean40 year members Richard Walls and Raymon Deiss with Tom Dalzell and Bob Dean25 year members; Clarence Boss, Gary Welchand Michael Jessen 20 year members Willard Schleusener, Larry Peasley and Martin Sparks 15 year members Logan Bartolome , Kimberlee Ingraham, Stuart Waggoner10 year members, front row; Ernie Flud, Alan Finely, and Angelo Clouse. Back row; Matthew Archer, Carl Klink, Stephen Meyers, and Ryan Johnson5 year members, front row; Adam Deppe and Samuel Smith. Back row; Timothy Cross and Grant Benson Alan Finley Jr. (10) Angelo Clouse (10)Kimberlee Ingraham (15) Martin Sparks (20) Mathew Archer (10) Grant Benson (5) Carl Klink (10)Raymon Dreiss (40) Timothy Cross (5) Willard Schlesener (20) Richard Walls (40)Stephen Meyers (10) Clarence Boss (25)Samuel Smith (5)Ernie Flud (10) Larry Peasley (20)Adam Deppe (5) Gary Welch (25)Ryan Johnson (10) Mike Jessen (25)