From left: Ronald McDonald House CEO Marty Ozer with IBEW 1245 retiree club members Rod Thomas, Rita Weisshaar, Jim Lappin, Cyril Escallier and Ron Borst
The IBEW 1245 Reno/Sparks Retiree club chapter presented a $250 donation to the local Ronald McDonald house on Dec. 29, 2015.
“We hope you know that this money goes a long way in keeping families close during critical times. It may seem small, but your group has now provided about 25 nights for a family (or several) to stay here at the House,” Rachel Gattuso, Ronald McDonald House Marketing and Communications Manager wrote in a thank- you message to the union retirees. “When there are myriad concerns swirling through a parent’s mind, we believe that where to stay and how to pay for it just shouldn’t be one.”