Gas crews sent the dirt flying in a spirited competition to see which PG&E employees will represent IBEW 1245 at the National Gas Rodeo in Colorado Springs this August.
The First Annual IBEW-PG&E rodeo, held May 30 in Livermore, featured 10 two-person teams and 6 four-person teams competing in four events: digging, meter building, pipe cutting, and service run. General Construction crews from around the PG&E system responded to the opportunity to show how proficient—and how fast—they are.
Placing first in the four-person competition was the team performing under the name Los Jefes: Miguel Loza, Adam Kotko, Sam Barraza, and Eman. Placing first in the two-person competition was the Potrero-1 team of Junior Umaleav, Marcus Pineda and Tahmal Fleming (alternate).
Shaun Mahanay, part of the North Valley Team #2, called the events a little more fast-paced than what you’d ordinarily find on the job. “Out in the field it’s not a competition,” he noted.
At the rodeo, some of the typical job-site hazards are not a factor—like cars and trucks.

The winning two-person team, Potrero #1, from left: Junior Umaleav, Marcus Pineda, and Tahmal Fleming (alternate).
“Traffic is a big issue for us. We’re always in the roadways,” said Jayson Visinoni, the other part of the North Valley Team #2 team. The absence of traffic on the rodeo grounds allowed the competitors to focus a little more closely on the tasks at hand.
The rodeo featured entertainment for the whole family. Besides all the competitive action for the teams, there was face-painting and rock-climbing for the kids and a barbecue lunch for all.
Several members of the Power Pathways training program were on hand to observe the competition.
Business Rep. Lou Mennel, who helped organize the event and served as a judge, said the local rodeo will help prepare IBEW 1245 members for the national competition in Colorado Springs.
Congratulations to all the gas workers for your competitive spirit at the rodeo!
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Dig it: Team Annihilation.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Los Jefes team poised to dig. The best advice? Get out of their way!
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
IBEW 1245 and family members promoting the union’s peer safety program. Back row, from left: Angela Robertson, Trevor Robertson, and Keith Hopp; front row, from left: Ernie Pena, Makaila Robertson, Roy Cabral, and Matt Davis.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Kids got a chance to test their skills, safely, in the rock climb.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Kids pick up decals at a table staffed by members of the IBEW 1245 Control the Pressure, the union’s peer-to-peer safety initiative for gas workers.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
The Wild Hogs consisted of, from left, James Smart, Brian Reome, Michael Fitting, and Michael Moore.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Wild Hogs make the dirt fly.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Los Padrones dig deep.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
The East Bay Warriors: Scott Ford (left) and Martin Corona.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
The South Dozer team competes in the service run.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Let’s break for lunch!
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Marcus Pineda of the Potrero #1 team competes in the service run.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Sarah Defenbaugh and Marcus Barbosa launch themselves into the pipe cut event.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
As long as I have my balloon I’m having fun!
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Face painting was a special part of the day for these guys.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Team Annihilation consisted of ESC members, from left, Nick Jordan, Paul Johnson, Trinidad Enriquez and Kevin Change.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
The two North Valley teams, from left: Shaun Mahanay, Jayson Visinoni, Mike Silveria and Greg Haggard.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
The “Too Phat, Too Furious” team of Jesus Montoya, left, and Israel Roediger
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Cutting pipe is the North Valley #1 team of Mike Silveria and Greg Haggard.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Digging up a storm: the North Valley #2 team of Shaun Mahanay and Jayson Visinoni.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
The Los Patrones team from San Francisco consisted of, from left, Charity K-Aloha, Horacio Ortega, Juan Perez, Armando Cedano and James Jimenez.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Among those helping out with the event are Power Pathways members, from left, Russ Collazo, Johnny Mancha, George Valencia and Alonzo Gonzalez.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Judge and IBEW 1245 Business Rep. Lou Mennel, center, explains the next event to participants.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Israel Roediger of “Too Phat, Too Furious” competes in the meter set.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Team “Brick” participates in the pipecut.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
Marcus Barbosa , left, and Sarah Defenbaugh.
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
The winning two-person team, Potrero #1, from left: Junior Umaleav, Marcus Pineda, and Tahmal Fleming (alternate).
IBEW/PG&E Gas Rodeo
The winning four-person team, Los Jefes, from left: Miguel Loza, Adam Kotko, Sam Barraza and Eman.
Below is a list of all the teams and participants.
2 Man Teams:
Teams Names & LAN ID GC Gas Potrero 1 Marcus Pineda – M2P8 Kitiona Umaleava – KXU2 Alternate Tahmal Fleming – TXFP GC Gas Protrero 2 Marcos Contreras – MHC7 Robert Krieger – R2K6 Alternate Christopher Hauschildt – CJHK North Bay Strong Gabe Horrell – G1HD Dan Chelini – D6C3 The Clarksters Marcus Barbosa – M6BS Sara Defenbaugh – SADO North Valley 1 Michael Silveria -M0SK Gregory Haggard – GJHI Bay West Heat Kraig Santos – K4SZ Robert Krieger – R2K6 Alternate: Alex Campos – A4C4 North Valley 2 Shaun Mahanay – S8M5 Jayson Visinoni – JKV4 Too Phat and Too Furious Isreal Roediger – IXR9 Jesus Montoya – JO1S Brick Nick De La Paz – NCD3 Justin Brock – JFBW Bay East Warriors Scott Ford – SPF6 Martin Corona – M8C3 4 Man Teams:
Teams Names Wild Hogs Brian Reome – BCR7 Mike Moore – MYMV Mike Fitting -M2FO James Smart – JK1E Los Patrones Horacio Ortega – HVO1 Armando Cedan – AJCZ James Jimenez – BJJH Juan Perez – JJP0 Team Annihilation Trinidad Enriquez – TXEJ Paul Johnson – PXJB Kevin Chang – KECH Nick Jordan – NCJ3 Los Jefes Sam Barraza -S1B3 Emanuel Ene – EAE7 Adam Katko – A2KC Miguel Loza – M4LI Yosemite Kevin Gonzales – K1G8 Ryan Clark – R7C5 Devin Holman – D5HQ Walter Bobbitt – WDBL South Dozer Niles Freeman – NOF1 Scott Gust – SDGA Anthony Scalia – A8S5 Luis Garcia – LFG4