Photos from the IBEW 1245 Pin Dinner in the East Bay on February 5, 2015.
William Dockery and Charlene Alexander
William Arnold Jr
Virginia Delgadillo, Federico Gomez, Laarni Reyes-Eichorn
Vern Dunham
Steven Harvey
Sonia Quinones
Shery Burton
Scott Luer
Salvador Languren
Ronald F Robertson
Richard Van Noy
Rhonda Fortier-Bourne
Patricia Lewis
Norman O’Brien
Neil Ridgway
Michael P Harris
Michael Carey
Michael A Sanchez
Maria Martinez
Luis Ramirez
Louis Carpio
Loretta Smith
Liz McInnis
Linda J Wilson
Kevin Wong
Kevin Conley
Kerry Fountaine
Josephine Isidro
Jose Perez
John C Lawrence
Gene Wong
Fernando Hernandez
Ezzard Carney
Ernest Owens
Ella Porep
Elaine Consiglio
Douglas Sutter
Dorothy Fortier's retirement gift
Dorothy Fortier and Hunter Stern
Denyu Tom
Daniel Seaman
Cornelio Javier
Byron Thomas
Bob Dean
Benjamin Hernandez
Arthur Cortez
Al Fortier
Al Estes and Tom Dalzell
50 year member Ronald Robertson with Tom Dalzell and Bob Dean
40 year members from left: Richard Van Noy, Denyu Tom, Gene Wong
40 year members. Front row from left: Josephine Isidro, Dorothy Fortier, Ella Porep. Back row from left: Maria Martinez, Elaine Consiglio
Scott Luer (left) and Steven Lydon (right) with Business Manager Tom Dalzell
35 year members. Front row from left: Cornelio Javier, Randy Tancioco, Michael Chong. Back row from left: William Arnold, Arthur Cortez, Neil Ridgway
35 year members. Front row from left: Emma Jones, Shery Burton, Loretta Smith. Back row from left: Patricia Lewis, Joyce McGee, Linnie Ton
35 year members. front row from left: Ben Hernandez, Dean Wilson, Al Estes. Back row from left: Michael Harris, Linda Wilson, Ron Huey
20 year members. Front row from left: Virginia Delgadillo, Cynthia McDonald, Laarni Reye-Eichorn. Back row from left: Ernest Owens, Vern Dunham, Michael Sanchez
25 year members. Daniel Seamen, Ralph Kenyon, Jose Perez
25 year members. Front row from left: Glenn Wong, Sonia Quinones, Richard Mohr. Back row from left: Norman O’Brien, Fernando Hernandez, Gary Cabrera
20 year members. Front row from left: Byron Thomas, Luis Ramirez. Back row from left: Rivers Pugh, Louis Carpio
15 year members. Front row from left: Ed Cardenas, Kerry Fountaine. Back row from left: Liz McInnis, Tonya Alston
10 year members. Shelly Ray Charlene Alexander
5 year members. Front row from left: Douglas Sutter, Matthew Smith, Steve Harvey. Back row from left: Kevin Wong, Japheth Hardy, Michael Cary, Andy Chow,Salvador Languren,
30 year members. Back row from left: John Lawrence, Federico Gomez, Ezzard Carney. Front row from left: William Dockery Jr., Richard Anderson, Kevin Conley