Earlier this year, IBEW 9th District International Vice President Mike Mowrey announced he would be retiring from his position in November of 2014. With his retirement date coming up next week, Local 1245 Business Manager Tom Dalzell invited IVP Mowrey to visit the Local 1245 Advisory Council for one last time. Mowrey addressed the Council with warm words of appreciation.

Business Manager Tom Dalzell presents International Vice President Mike Mowrey with a plaque to commemorate his retirement.
“1245 is such a pivotal local in the 9th District. I can sincerely tell you we’re very proud of what you do, what you’ve done, and what you’re going to do in the future,” Mowrey said to the Advisory Council. “It’s been a privilege and honor to be able to serve as your International Vice President … Stay strong brothers and sisters. I’m proud to have represented you.”
Under Mowrey’s leadership, the 9th District has grown to be the largest district in the IBEW, consisting of 129,000 members in six western states. To thank him for his years of service, Business Manager Tom Dalzell awarded Mowrey with a plaque that read, “To Mike, who lead with zeal and grace, determination and pride … We’re all better because of your work.”
Dalzell also took the opportunity to introduce Mowrey’s replacement, John O’Rourke, to the Advisory Council. O’Rourke was formerly the leader of IBEW local 6 in San Francisco, and has been a longtime friend and ally of Local 1245.
“Mike has lead with conviction, and never asked anyone to do anything he wouldn’t do himself. I look forward to continuing that legacy,” O’Rourke told the Advisory Council. “You are a flagship local of the IBEW and of our district. You inspire other locals to get after it! I’ll always be there for this local and all locals in our district. I’m proud and humbled to be in this new position. It’s a huge learning curve, but I’m excited about this opportunity and challenge.”