For IBEW 1245 members who work for the City of Redding, local elections can make a huge difference – not just in the way their city is governed, but also in the way their union contracts are negotiated. In the last election cycle, a pro-worker candidate for City Council lost by just eight votes, and instead, a hostile, anti-union candidate took that seat on the City Council. When it came time for Local 1245 members to bargain a new contract, they had to sit across the table from a City Council dominated by hostile politicians, and as a result, IBEW members at the City of Redding were forced to take significant concessions to their contract.
This election cycle, IBEW 1245 is working to shift the balance of power on the Redding City Council, replacing the anti-worker policymakers with pro-worker candidates who support union members and their interests. Local 1245 organizing stewards are already on the ground in Redding, working to get out the vote in support of three City Council candidates — Brent Weaver, Francie Sullivan, and Kristen Schreder — who have a greater appreciation for our members and the service they provide to the city.

IBEW 1245 volunteers Paul Snyder, Tom March (back row) with daughter Meagan and son Tony, Sheila Lawton, Stefani Garcia, Carl Olguin, Tatyana Garcia, Mariah Garcia, Nilda Garcia, Steve Marcotte and daughter Nichole
On Saturday, Sept. 27, 18 IBEW members (and family members) came out to knock on doors and spread the word about these pro-worker candidates to Redding voters. Seven of the union volunteers were Redding locals, and 11 of them travelled by car to Redding, some driving four hours or more.
Organizing Stewards Nilda Garcia and Steve Marcotte teamed up with their daughters to knock on 117 doors that morning.
“We got a lot of ‘not homes’, but those we did talk to were nice and happy to see us out there,” Garcia reported. “A couple of folks offered us water and were aware of the campaign. They enjoyed seeing the youth involved. The group in general was great! Two of the candidates were out too. I enjoyed seeing our IBEW crew out walking!”
There are still plenty of opportunities to volunteer and help get out the vote in Redding during the month of October. Another group of volunteers from 1245 will be heading up to Redding again on Saturday, Oct. 4 and all are encouraged to join them and bring family and friends along. The precinct walk will take place from 9 am to 1 pm at the Redding UPEC Hall, 1800 Park Marina Dr., Redding, CA. First-time volunteers and campaign newcomers are welcome to join the walk! For more information, email staff organizer Jammi Juarez
If you haven’t already, please register to vote, especially if you live in Redding. You can make a difference! To register online, visit // or pick up a voter registration form at your county elections office, library, Department of Motor Vehicles offices, or U.S. post office. The deadline for voter registration in California is Oct. 20.