Celebrating the successful United Way campaign in northern Nevada are, from left, IBEW 1245 Lineman Samson Wilson, United Way Campaign Executive Sponsor John Owens, Campaign Co-Chairs Luanne Oroszi and Jim Lyle, Sharon Nipp, Development Director for the United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra and NV Energy President Paul Caudill.
IBEW 1245 Organizing Steward Samson Wilson was in the spotlight when the United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra announced that NV Energy was its top supporter in the 2013-2014 workplace giving campaign.
Wilson, who helped promote the campaign among NV Energy workers, made a point to wear his IBEW 1245 shirt at a ceremony honoring the company’s $1,300,000 contribution. Sharing the moment with Wilson, a 10-year IBEW 1245 member, was NV Energy President Paul Caudill, and the NV Energy campaign chairs Jim Lyle and Luanne Oroszi.
“We very much appreciate the hard work and support from the NV Energy employees, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1245 in particular, in helping to make this a better community,” said Karen Barsell, chief executive officer and president of UWNNS.
There have been times when the union got scant recognition for supporting charitable giving in the workplace. Wilson, who has been a union activist for years and was sworn in as an Organizing Steward at the IBEW 1245 Advisory Council meeting in February, helped make sure that IBEW members shared in the credit for this successful United Way campaign.
Congratulations to Brother Wilson, and to all of the IBEW 1245 members at NV Energy who generously supported this campaign to help those in need.