They limited out on rock fish and crab.
Close to a dozen IBEW 1245 and family members got together on Veterans Day to go crabbing in the Pacific.
Among the organizers were Senior Assistant Business Manager Bob Dean, who was in the US Navy for 10 years, and Executive Board member Mike Cottrell, who served in the US Army in Vietnam.
“We limited out on rock fish and crab,” said Senior Assistant Business Manager Ron Cochran, who also participated.
The fishing party encountered a little fog heading out in the morning, said Cochran, but once they cleared the bridge they left most of the fog lying on North Beach. By the time they set up about three miles off of Stinson Beach, they could see the shore very clearly.

Cottrell lights up.
“It was a gorgeous day,” Cochran said.
Although Cochran described the outing as “just some union brothers getting together and going crabbing,” there’s an effort underway to form an IBEW 1245 Veterans Club to provide a way for the union’s veterans to get together and have some fun.
If you are an IBEW 1245 military veteran and would like to get involved in organizing this group, please contact IBEW 1245 organizer Jennifer Gray at 707-410-7799 or Eileen Purcell at 415-828-3731, or one of the veterans listed in this related post:Veterans Group.