IBEW 1245 members in Sacramento for Lobby Day

By Cecelia De La Torre
IBEW 1245 was presented with an award for Top Performing Union at the Joint Legislative Conference of the California Labor Federation and California Building Trades Council.
Local 1245 Organizer Jennifer Gray accepted on the local’s behalf.
Several IBEW members, including myself, joined with other unions at the conference to learn about labor’s legislative priorities and to meet with legislators in Sacramento.
We attended briefings that included Ballot Initiatives Reform, CEQA Works: The Fight for Common Ground on Jobs & the Environment, How to Partner with the Labor Commissioner’s Office in Enforcing Labor Standards, End the Corporate Gravy Train- Reform Enterprise Zones, Immigration Reform, Fair Share Healthcare, an Overview of Labor’s 2013 Priorities and much more.

We listened to speakers John Chiang California State Controller, Julie Su Labor Commissioner, Darrell Steinberg Senate President pro Tem, John A. Perez Speaker of the Assembly, Ted Lieu Chair Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee and Roger Hernandez Chair Assembly Labor and Employment Committee.
Armed with all the information we gathered on the first day, we went to the State Capitol. We met with Assembly Members and Senators from our districts to discuss and request support on many Assembly Bills and Senate Bills that affect working people. As time allowed we also discussed SB7, AB1140 and AB302 applying the proper Prevailing Wage and the Definition for De Minimis Public Funds, cracking down on Labor Law Violators and a settlement that PG&E entered into with several parties including the California Coalition of Utility Employees (CCUE), on the outline of a community renewables program.
We are all working for a better California that will protect the rights of the workers to earn fair wages, to work safely, and to join a union for a better life.