Three NV Energy crews have been hard at work restoring power to the residents of Smithtown, New York, in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
The crews were busy replacing poles, cross arms and lines that were damaged by high winds and downed trees. They have also been checking lines to search for other damage that may not be immediately apparent. Within a day, they had restored power to an estimated 130 homes despite wet, cold and windy conditions.
Smithtown residents are showing their appreciation, offering donuts, coffee and kind words to the crews. For more information, watch this video.
The crews were taken to New York C-5 and C-17 aircraft, courtesy of the US Air Force, to assist Long Island Power Authority in repairing damage caused by Sandy.
The 18 crew members, seven from northern Nevada and 11 from southern Nevada, began preparations last Friday to travel east. The 12 crew trucks, including line trucks and other support vehicles, were loaded on aircraft at both Travis Air Force Base in Sacramento, Calif. and Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas.
We thank NV Energy for providing information for this story.