“No on 32” campaigners in the North Bay on Saturday, Oct. 6, were, from left: LeAnne Chant, John Mummert, Ken Rawles, and Dennis DelGrande. JV Macor is in back.

“No on 32” campaigners in San Francisco on Saturday, Oct. 6, were, standing from left: Hunter Stern, Chad Schwab, Chuck Smethurst, Robert Aranda, Landis Marttila, and Jose Artiga. Kneeling from left: Eric Wolfe and Eileen Purcell.
More than 100 Local 1245 members, friends, and family helped spread the word about Prop 32 by launching precinct walks on Oct. 6 from 16 locations across California, ranging from Sacramento to Bakersfield.
Our members went door to door to inform fellow union members about the Prop 32 corporate power grab and also to share information about the labor-endorsed candidates in each area’s local races.
Thank you to all the members who answered our call to action—we must not sit back while corporate CEOs and billionaires trample on our rights! For volunteer opportunities near you, please e-mail Jennifer Gray.