Scenes from Advisory Council
Reno, NV – July 28, 2012
IBEW Local 1245 celebrated some of its local heroes and laid plans to tackle future challenges during the union’s Advisory Council meeting in Reno on July 28.
Business Manager Tom Dalzell warned that Proposition 32, on the California ballot in November, would silence the voice of workers in state politics, making us vulnerable to attacks on our benefits and even our right to engage in collective bargaining.
Dalzell noted the recent passage of the PG&E Physical and Benefits agreements, and told delegates of an upcoming vote among line clearance tree trimmers on a Master Agreement that could strengthen the union’s hand in future bargaining with tree trimmer contractors.
Building a Stronger Union
By Lauren Bartlett
Remember: There is a “U” in Union!
What can U do?
U can get involved
U can attend your local meetings
U can read your collective bargaining agreement
U can read the IBEW Bylaws and IBEW Constitution
U can read your Union Boards. Get knowledge and stay informed!
U can vote in elections of officers
U can vote during contract negotiations. Voting is your Voice!
U can write proposals during negotiations. Your ideas are important!
U can volunteer, and dedicate your time
U can become a shop steward or officer
U can get to know the people who represent you

Spreading the news about California Proposition 32 at the Advisory Council was Jennifer Gray. Sister Gray has been brought onto the Local 1245 staff to coordinate the union’s “member-to-member” outreach in our mobilization to defeat Proposition 32 at the polls this November. At left is Local 1245 Organizer Fred Ross Jr. Remember: Screw 32 before 32 screws you!

Lauren Bartlett represents members at Sacramento Regional Transit. Her poem, “There is a U in union” was read at the Council meeting.

Michelle Benuzzi reports on latest developments at NV Energy. At left is Charles Forbes, representing Local 1245 members at Western Area Power Administration.

Receiving praise for their efforts on behalf of the Local 1245 Retirees Club and their involvement in the Alliance for Retired Americans are, from left: Tom Bird (Nevada), and Ken Rawles and Bill Wallace (California).

Anthony Brown, who was sworn in as an Advisory Council member in April, speaks up. From left: Mike Jessen, PG&E DeSabla Division; Peggy Daniel, PG&E Pipeline Operations; Robert Harty, PG&E Stockton Division and City of Lodi; Jim Findley, PG&E North Bay Division and City of Healdsburg; and Anthony Brown, PG&E East Bay Division and Foster-Wheeler.

Three new members of the Advisory Council were sworn in. From left: President Mike Davis administers the oath to Jeff Campodonico, representing PG&E Sacramento; Keith Jacques, representing Citizens Communications (Frontier); and Avery Clifton, representing PG&E’s old Drum Division.

Nevada retiree activists honored at the meeting were, from left, Ron Borst, Tom Bird (in red shirt, behind Borst), Vickie Borst, Tom Young (PG&E retire), Bud Gray, Frank Isturis, Mike Armstrong, and Rita Weisshaar. Business Manager Tom Dalzell praised their “hard work and dedication and courage” in defending retiree benefits at NV Energy: “This group here has showed us all what it is to be union. They’ve got the union gene, every one of them. They’ve got the stand up and fight back gene, too.”