Lots of work, lots of organizing
Outside Construction Report
By Ron Cochran

We are currently managing 101 construction, inspection and service agreements in Local 1245. We are having a record year in Nevada and could see another overall record for construction. There is lots of work and a tremendous amount of organizing being done. We continue to grow our membership and strength through organizing.
Coming soon, “A” members and retirees will be able to pay their dues online at our website. Members who are dispatched to work from our union hall will be able to check their place on the out-of-work books, check their hours and see what calls are open. We also will be able to accept credit card payments for t-shirts, hats, etc. at the union hall.

Elizabeth McInnis
The solar work is getting close to kicking off again. Liz McInnis will be handling much of the solar assignment that will peak around 300 members on three different work sites. Liz continues to represent the Republic and Wellington members, while completing the political filings for the local and supporting all the construction organizing and contract negotiations. Liz also coordinates much of the logistics behind the special events, such as the International Rodeo, Clay Shoot, Softball, Soccer and Golf tournaments that local members participate in.

Gov. Jerry Brown, middle, with Local 1245 Senior Assistant Business Manager Ron Cochran, left, and Assistant Business Manager Ralph Armstrong, at a meeting of the California State Association of Electrical Workers.
Recently both Ron Cochran and Ralph Armstrong were appointed chairmen to committees of the California State Association of Electrical Workers. Ron is chairman of the apprenticeship committee and Ralph is chairman of the Safety Committee.
Signed Referrals and “A” Membership Dues
As a member of the Outside Line Construction group there are a couple of very important things you must do. Failure to do these things could jeopardize your employment with a contractor. Please follow the link above to find out what these things are.
Substation Technician Certification
Locals 1245, 47 and 396 recently started a new certification program that is being implemented by the California Nevada JATC. This 3-year certification program has just taken its first group of candidates into the program. which required them to take a knowledge test to see what year they would fit into the program. There will be more on this as soon as this group has completed the program so it will give us time to evaluate its success.

Ralph Kenyon
Ralph Kenyon who has been on staff working as a temporary representative to the Outside Line Construction group has recently taken a position as a lineman with PG&E and started there on June 4, 2012. Ralph has done an outstanding job while on staff and we wish him well with PG&E. We understand there’s all the overtime any lineman could every want in the yard he works in.

Richard Ingle
Richard Ingle started on June 18th and is working as a temporary representative to the Outside Line Construction group. Richard has been a member of IBEW since 1972 and has worked as Lineman, Foreman and General Foreman while working in Outside Construction. Richard will be in the field performing crew visits as his primary responsibility.
We’ve signed the following contractors YTD:
- M.A. Steiner Construction– Gas Maintenance
- RMS Life Safety – Gas Survey
- Tulsa Inspection Resources; based in Oklahoma signed the Gas Inspector agreement
California Outside Line Construction Agreement
- America Site Builders, LLC – Texas
- Shimmick Construction – Oakland, CA
- Atlas Civil dba MGE Energy – Paso Robles, CA
- Roadway Engineering – Ceres, CA
- Anderson Drilling, (PLA)
- Greer Trenching – Ca OSL
- J&D Excavation – CA OSL
- Solar Hygienics, LLC – CA OSL
- Transformers Lifecycle Service – CA OSL
- City Light & Power, based in Long Beach signed the Construction agreement
- B& B Construction Services, based in Fresno signed the Construction agreement
- American Power Delivery, based in Pittsburg signed the Construction agreement
- Elemental Energy based in Phoenix, AZ signed the Construction agreement
San Francisco Chapter of NECA Trolley Agreement:
- Shimmick Construction
Substation, Communication, Relay Test Technician (Specialist) Agreement:
- KVA Electric
- Hampton Tedder
Recent Grievances
We have enjoyed 100% success in all written grievances over the last five years. Wow, yes-100%. Most can be attributed to the great investigations done in the field. Many times there are joint investigations with the employers; they are often quick to settle when all the facts are discovered. Sometimes there are no contractual violations, but through discovery during the oral phase of the grievance procedure there is involvement with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or a civil case. There are many arrows in the quiver to help our members.
We had a Labor Management hearing on June 14, 2012 where 5 grievances were heard and an industry meeting cleaned up some language as to what a Fabricator Technician Classification could perform. Two grievances were settled outside of the Labor Management hearing, and were not heard.
With respect to the 5 grievances, Local 1245 prevailed on all 5 grievances with fines and restitution amounting to over $28,000 as a result of the contract violations.
We clarified what a Fabricator Technician can and cannot do. This classification was created to make sure we had a workforce that could perform concrete civil work and was never intended to take work from the other classifications such as groundman and line equipment men. Through the course of implementing this relatively new classification a lot of work that should have been done by these other classifications was actually being done by Fab Techs. This meeting cleaned up this requirement and should make it clear what the classification was intended to be used for. Below is the new language that is being handled through a Letter of Understanding (LOU) because it was too late to insert into the new agreement.
LOU Language
The purpose of this LOU is for clarifying the Scope of Work of a Fabricator Technician Classification as set forth in Article VI, Section 6.6 of the Agreement.
Additional Definition Item 6:
Civil Work is clarified to include all below grade concrete work including stub outs. Cable trench, conduit, cable pulling or terminating and pull boxes are electrical work and are not civil work. Fabricator Technicians cannot work in an elevated position (cannot climb).
Foreman Clarification
A Fabricator Technician may act as a Foreman for the Scope of Work set forth above (Civil Work Only) per Article VI, Section 6.2 Item 4.
We have also had a couple of other grievance last month all of which were handled in the first step of the process. Three Terminations and one improper use of the Foreman by name requirement which resulted in the contractor agreeing to full restitution for this offense.
PG&E Hiring Hall
There is a lot of work through the Hiring Hall at this time. There are lots jobs in many different classifications. The Hiring Hall is still a good way to get members to work on temporary assignments. It does have its flaws; the member released from work with “not eligible for re-hire” on their termination form is a “death sentence” as it is not something that can be grieved. No re-course, you’re done working on PG&E property forever. We are firm believers in “if you can’t cut it, you can’t stay”, but in many cases members are not released for poor performance. They are screwed for life if their supervisor doesn’t like them or there’s a personality conflict or simple disagreement. Sometimes these conflicts start with a simple disagreement where a brother or sister is just trying to stand up for themselves. This is how it will be for everyone if Proposition 32 passes in November.
2011/2012 Training Schedule
Crane Training: This class was held in Vacaville during the week of June 11. There will be no more crane classes scheduled this year in Local 1245’s jurisdiction and we will plan on having one next year. Anyone interested in obtaining this training should contact the California Nevada JATC for training schedules of future classes.
OHSA ETD Classes: We are trying to offer this class at least once a month over the next couple of months or until attendance drops. If interested check with our dispatch office for class schedules and to add your name to the list of those wishing to attend.
First Aid & CPR is the 2nd Saturday of every month at our Riverside and Sacramento facility.
Special Events
- The 16th Annual 9th District Softball Tournament will be hosted by Local 595/Dublin at Big League Dreams Park in Manteca, CA. It will be held August 11 and 12.
- International Lineman’s Rodeo – October 10-14, Overland Park, KS.
- Golf Tournament – October 20, Vacaville, CA.
Injured Workers Fund
The balance as of June 30, was $ 442,269.59. We paid out two existing claims in the month of June and one in July.
Out of Work Books as of July 25, 2012
BOOK # | |||||
L-1 | 43 | CS-1 | 9 | F-1 | 2 |
L-2 | 99 | CS-2 | 19 | F-2 | 34 |
L-3 | 2 | CS-3 | 2 | ||
L-4 | 65 | ||||
GM-1 | 15 | ||||
ES-1 | 6 | GM-2 | 7 | ||
ES-2 | 4 | GM-3 | 266 | ||
ES-3 | 9 | GM-4 | 251 |
As of July 25, 2012 | Year to Date | |
Lineman | 105 | 758 |
Apprentice Lineman | 21 | 149 |
Equipment Man | 19 | 123 |
Groundman | 38 | 397 |
Fabricator Tech | 13 | 169 |
Cable Splicer | 5 | 32 |
Total | 201 | 1628 |
We currently have 290 outside line apprentices registered in our JATC program and one traveling apprentice working in our jurisdiction.
- 92 apprentices are working out of Local 1245
- 148 are working out of Local 47
- 15 – working out of Local 396
- 35 are off of work (3 are on disability – 6 are on leave of absence)
- 24 apprentices have graduated this year to journeyman lineman.
- 14 outside line apprentices have been indentured this year.
We have 3 traffic signal maintenance apprentices registered.
- 1 is working for Republic Electric in Local 1245’s jurisdiction.
- 2 are working for Republic Electric in Local 47’s jurisdiction.
- 17 traffic signal apprentices have graduated this year.
Ron Cochran is Senior Assistant Business Manager, IBEW Local 1245