Brown thanks members for their activism

Gov. Jerry Brown shared a dinner table with IBEW Local 1245 members and staff at the recent meeting of the California State Association of Electrical Wokers. From left: Fred Ross, Steven Gallow, Tom Dalzell, (Gov. Brown), Ron Cochran, Jammi Angeles, Ralph Armstrong, Lloyd Cargo, Carl Lamers, Donchele Soper, and Junior Ornelas.
IBEW 1245 Business Manager Tom Dalzell and other staff and members welcomed Gov. Jerry Brown at a reception in Sacramento’s Citizen Hotel on March 30, part of a two-day state-wide meeting hosted by the California State Association of Electrical Workers. Brown joined the IBEW 1245 table for dinner and congratulated the young members present for their activism.
In remarks to the gathering of over 100 IBEW leaders, Brown renewed his commitment to invest in California’s infrastructure. He recognized IBEW 1245 Business Manager Tom Dalzell for his vision and hard work, and appealed for IBEW’s help in passing a ballot initiative this November to increase revenues for the state budget. He also pledged to fight back against the anti-union attacks sweeping the country, including the upcoming “corporate power grab” in California’s November election.