There were nearly a million man-hours of electric work in 2011. There are several very large current infrastructure projects that are still being constructed. We estimate in 2012, we will work close to the same amount of man-hours throughout our jurisdiction in California and Nevada. Most of the utility work nearly stopped in December of 2011.
Now we’re in January and we are starting up early this year. There are several factors contributing to this, good weather and roll-over work from 2011. A few of the utilities are planning to use fewer construction workers this year, but have a longer construction season. By doing this the crews operate more efficiently with less overtime, using local members longer and with less need for the traveling workers “Travelers, Tramps”.
We currently have crews working on PG&E, Ukiah and NV Energy properties. We have less than 40 crews working today in the jurisdiction on all the properties combined. We estimate by late spring we will have 70-80 crews working in California and Nevada and will maintain that level until all the customers’ budget monies run out. This work will include the big projects in Nevada, the SWIP Transmission line and the Russell Substation project. We estimate six to seven thousand deteriorated distribution poles will be replaced, less than a thousand deteriorated transmission poles will be replaced. There are several substation modification projects with transmission line capacity upgrades also planned. There will also be some cornerstone (fuse coordination) projects, a small amount of rural 20 and distribution capacity projects worked. PG&E has shared they will only contract 5% of the New Business work (WRO) in 2012. There will be some cable replacement and oil switch replacement work in San Francisco.
Due to the work performed in 2011 and the projected work in 2012 we have used temporary business representatives to assist with the influx of workers and issues associated with this increased work load. In 2011 we used Scott Hudelson for approximately 4 months and on Jan. 16 we have brought Ralph Kenyon on board for a temporary assignment for a couple of months. Their assistance has been crucial and welcomed in dealing with this increase in work.
Gas Work Forecast
In 2011 there were nearly 1.2 million man-hours worked in our jurisdiction. In 2012, the estimated man-hours will be nearly 3.0 million. Almost all of this work is on PG&E property. The IBEW does very little of this gas work, it is mostly being done through the basic craft unions or non-union. We do play a role in the inspection and some prep-work for the hydro testing.
With the amount of work that has taken place last year it did not come without its issues. Most of our OSL grievances are dealt with early and resolved in the early stages. Snapshots of the most common issues are below and reflect the last 6 months of 2011.
- 56 pay issues with most of these issues resulting in penalty pay for a member.
- 21 termination cases with varying results from getting jobs back with pay to withdrawal of the grievance upon investigation.
- 10 various contract violations such as the contractor performing work using the wrong agreement, the use of non-union subcontractors or contractors signatory to other labor unions for covered work under our agreement, reporting issues, etc. Some of these grievances resulted in several thousands of dollars in restitution.
Lineman Apprenticeship
As of Jan. 11 we have 308 apprentices registered into the program; we also have 14 traveling apprentices working in our jurisdiction.
- 79 are working in Local 1245’s jurisdiction.
- 166 are working in Local 47’s jurisdiction.
- 37 are working in Local 396’s jurisdiction.
The rest are laid-off at this time with exception of one apprentice on disability. We will have a new director April 1, 2012. There has been some recent turn-over in the line instructor staff.
Injured Workers Fund Report
There were no claims paid in the month of December. The year end balance is $373,634.56.
Report prepared by Ron Cochran, Senior Assistant Business Manager