By Ken Rawles
I attended the Aug. 17 Rally for Social Security in San Francisco to tell Senator Dianne Feinstein to be a Champion for preserving Social Security with no new cuts.
The California Alliance of Retired Americans (CARA) was one of the co-sponsors of the event that was held in San Francisco and Los Angeles, with a combined attendance of 1000 seniors, people with disabilities, union workers, parents, students, and children.
We were unable to meet with the senator in person, but handed over 2,000 signed postcards with our stories to her staff. Thank you to all who took the time to fill out the post cards!
The rallies were very powerful and we had support from many who passed by.
The fight is not over! The Congressional “Super Committee” will be making their recommendations to Congress on budget cuts by Nov. 23. We need Senator Feinstein, other members of Congress, and the President on board before then.
Please send this message to the new “Super Committee”:
- Social Security does not contribute a penny to the deficit! It should not be cut to reduce the budget!
- Strengthen Social Security , scrap the wage cap!
- Oppose any cuts to Social Security benefits!
- Oppose raising the retirement age!
- Oppose lowering the cost of living adjustment!
- Keep your hands off Social Security!
I want to thank Chuck walker from CARA for the content of my article.
Call Senator Feinstein : SF 415-393-0707 , LA 310-914-7300
Then call your member of congress : 877-762-8762
Then the President : 202-456-1414