Shame on NV Energy has utilized the following web ad to draw attention to the unsavory connection between NV Energy and disgraced Senator John Ensign and indicted lobbyist Douglas Hampton..
The Shame on NV Energy Facebook community has called on NV Energy Board Chair Philip Satre to release the findings of an internal report on the company’s dealings with Douglas Hampton, the husband of Senator John Ensign’s mistress.
Hampton has been indicted on charges of illegally lobbying on the company’s behalf.
Sponsored by IBEW Local 1245, Shame on NV Energy brings together current NV Energy employees, retirees, consumers and citizens concerned with the company’s labor practices, customer service and rates – the highest of any Mountain state. The Shame on NV Energy Facebook page has logged nearly 47,000 “likes”, making it one of the largest advocacy pages in Nevada.
The open letter to NV Energy Board Chairman Philip G. Satre appears below:
Philip G. Satre
Chairman of the Board
NV Energy, Inc.
Dear Mr. Philip G. Satre,
As your employees, customers and fellow Nevadans, we are calling on you to release the results of your internal investigation into the hiring of Douglas Hampton, the husband of former Senator John Ensign’s mistress. Mr. Hampton was indicted on charges of violating federal lobbying rules while he was your employee, and as a public utility — our public utility — we ask that you not keep us in the dark and release the full, unedited report.
We know that as CEO of NV Energy, Michael Yackira is the person ultimately responsible for hiring Douglas Hampton. What we don’t know is if Yackira — knowingly or not — violated the law or NV Energy policy in doing so. As the Chairman of the Board of the utility, we are calling on you to be transparent and release any and all findings of your investigation.
Over the past six months, we have faced rate hikes, broken promises to your retirees and dubious eleventh hour legislative maneuvers. We demand more accountability and more transparency from your Board and top executives. Please release the findings of the internal investigation you mentioned at your May 3rd shareholders meeting without delay.
The Shame on NV Energy Community