IBEW Local 1245 has endorsed Jerry Brown for Governor.
He has a plan to create the jobs California needs.
As a past governor, he proved he could deliver.

As Governor, Jerry Brown created nearly 2 million new jobs in California.
- He created thousands of new construction jobs by authorizing $2.7 billion in funding for completing highway projects and improving and maintaining transit systems. (AB 215, 1981)
- He also sped up approval process for construction and industrial development by creating a one-stop permit authority. (AB 884, 1977)
- Brown signed a bill authorizing $100 million in funding to spur development of low/moderate-income housing units, providing jobs as well as affordable homes. (SB 229, 1979)
- He also created a low-interest loan program to aid the state’s depressed housing industry. (AB 1, 1975)
Brown recognizes the value of developing a well-trained local workforce.
- He significantly expanded apprenticeship programs and created the California Worksite Education and Training Act (CWETA), which subsidizes job-training programs and guaranteed students jobs upon graduation.
- He also made changes to the Unemployment Insurance system to create an employment-training fund for laid off workers to retrain for new industries.
- Brown lists improving job-training programs through community colleges, apprenticeship programs and local workforce training boards as one of his top priorities in his overall job creation plan.
- He also plans to expand the California Conservation Corps to provide jobs and training for young adults.
Brown has a clear plan to revitalize job growth through clean-energy projects.
- Brown has proposed an eight-point action plan to create more than half a million green jobs in California through investing in renewable energy technology projects, which produce two to three times as many jobs per dollar as gas, oil or coal and are more likely to stay in California, instead of other states or countries.
- One of the many clean-tech infrastructure projects Brown supports is construction of the high-speed rail, which would reduce California’s carbon footprint, lessen highway congestion and bring half a million new jobs to our state. Meg Whitman opposes the high-speed rail project and the jobs it would create.
- Brown’s jobs plan also includes:
- Building 12,000 megawatts of localized electricity generation
- Building 8,000 megawatts of large scale renewables and necessary transmission lines
- Dealing with peak energy needs and developing energy storage
- A timeline to make new homes and commercial buildings zero net energy
- Making existing buildings more efficient
- Adopting stronger appliance efficiency standards
- Developing more cogeneration projects to increase combined heat and power production by 6,500 megawatts
- The appointment of a Renewable Energy Jobs Czar
Brown plans to improve California’s job climate through development of a new “strike team.”
- Brown’s proposed “strike team” would coordinate the many worker-training programs, tax incentives and other state programs to attract and retain jobs in California. The team will also ensure that California is able to leverage private and federal research dollars to target the greatest opportunities for California businesses and industries.
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