Receiving the IBEW Local 1245 Trade and Vocational School Grant is Magalli Languren. At left is her mother, Maria; at right is her father, Salvador.
Magalli Languren has been awarded the IBEW Local 1245 Trade and Vocational School Grant. The grant provides $500 per year for up to two years of study. Languren is the daughter of Salvador Languren, crew foreman for Davey Tree Surgery Company in Oakland, CA.
The IBEW Local 1245 Trade and Vocational School Grant is offered each year to a child of an IBEW Local 1245 member who intends to enroll in any industrial, technical or trade school, other than correspondence schools, which are accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Career Schools and Colleges
of Technology (ACCSCT). The deadline for applying for next year’s grant is the first Monday in April, 2011. Details about the 2011 grant process will be announced toward the end of 2010 on the IBEW Local 1245 website.