By Ron Cochran
We have found a vendor to complete the Groundman Flagger training online. This training
can be completed through the Internet. The Cal-Nev JATC will be reimbursing students upon
completion. We are holding OSHA ET&D 10-hour classes June 27 & 28. The Cal-Nev JATC
supplied credentialed instructors to teach this course. These will be considered special skills
calls in 2011.

A crew picture from the Transbay project on the San Francisco
side of the bay. Cupertino Electric is doing the work.
Injured Workers Fund
The Injured Worker Fund
continues to increase. There
were fund changes made. The
death benefit increased from
$5k to $10k. A fund audit and
tax preparations incurred cost
to the fund.
Work Picture
Work is slow right now. 2010
should be a record year by all
reports. Hundreds of miles of
T-lines proposed, several
substation projects proposed A crew picture from the Transbay project on the San Francisco
side of the bay. Cupertino Electric is doing the work.
Apprentice News
We currently have less than 242 Outside Line apprentices in the Cal-Nev JATC program. We
have only 17 working in Northern California; 217 are working in Southern California and 1
working in Nevada. We currently have a few unemployed.
Jurisdictional Issues
We continue to battle one inside contractor performing our work in jurisdiction. These issues
will probably continue until there is economic recovery.
The Red safety book revisions are complete and the safety book is scheduled to be reprinted.
The language in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is in place and the NECA
contractors have agreed to start payroll deductions as the members elect to. The fund is
scheduled to start July 1, 2009. The fund presentation will be held at the July 8th unit
meeting–please attend.
Working Agreements
The Republic ITS and Outside Side Line agreements are out to be printed.
Ron Cochran is Assistant Business Manager, IBEW 1245